

The music ministry at Sts. Peter and Paul provides musical support for all liturgical functions to aid in fostering full and active participation by the assembly.  Our goals are to elevate the worship of the faithful through music as outlined in Church documents such as Sing to the Lord, General Instruction on the Roman Missal and Sacrosanctum Concilium.

All members of the parish community that have a desire to serve the Lord and their community through song are welcome to participate. 

Music Planner - 2-22 thru 4-2-23, Year A

Contemporary Music Planner -2-22 thru 4-2-23, Year A

Selecciones de Musica 2-22 a 4-2



Kevin Feltmann


10:00 am Parish Choir:  

The Parish Choir is open to anyone High School age and older. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:00pm and sings at the 10:00am Sunday Liturgy from September until June, including Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Holy Week, Taizé Prayer, Easter and other liturgies as scheduled. Our choir year ends at the end of June as we sing for our Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul. The choir adds beauty to the Liturgy by singing choral works and chant. The ability to read music is helpful and a simple audition for voice placement will take place before the first rehearsal.


6:00 pm Contemporary Choir:

The Contemporary Choir is open to anyone High School age and older. The choir rehearses year round on Sunday afternoons at 4:30pm, then sings for the 6:00pm Sunday evening Liturgy. The choir sings with guitar, drums, piano and any other instrumentalists who would like to join them.

Rehearsals: Year round on Sunday afternoons at 4:30pm in the Choir Room of the Church.


7:00 pm Saturday Spanish Choir:  

El  Coro en Español canta regularmente en la misa hispana de la 7:00pm los sábados en la noche. El coro ensaya los sábados antes de la misa a las 6:15 pm en el salon del Coro. Los instrumentistas también están invitados a unirse al ensayo. 

Recordatorio: Los ensayos son los sábados en la noche a las 6:15 pm en el salon del Coro, localizado en la Iglesia.

The Spanish Choir sings regularly at the 7:00pm Spanish Mass on Saturday evenings. The choir rehearses on Saturday evenings at 6:15pm in the Choir Room of the Church. Instrumentalists are also welcome to join.

Rehearsals: Saturday evenings at 6:15pm in the Choir Room of the Church


Children’s Choir - Grades 3 to 8:  

The Children’s Choir is open to all children in our parish who are in grades 3 through 8. There are two opportunities each week for rehearsal. The choir rehearses mid-week on Wednesday afternoon from 3:30-4:15pm and Sunday afternoon from 1:00 – 1:45pm (immediately after the 12:00 Sunday Mass).   Children and parents can pick the rehearsal day or they can come to both rehearsals.   The choir sings at the 12:00pm  Sunday Mass once or twice a month, including Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday. We are looking for help from parents to help manage the rehearsals and help out at Mass.

Rehearsals: Choir Room TBD


Men’s Schola:  

The Men’s Schola is a specialized choir that sings chant and polyphony at various Liturgies throughout the year. You may have heard them chant the Passion on Good Friday. The Men’s Schola rehearsals are scheduled as needed after the Parish Choir rehearsal on Tuesday evenings. It is desirable that members are able to read music.

Rehearsals: Scheduled as needed

hand Bell Choir:

The parish hand bell choir is the newest addition to our Music Ministry.  The Bell Choir rehearses on Tuesday from 7:00pm – 8:30pm in the Choir Room of the Church. The choir is open to anyone of high school age on up with the ability to read music.  All ringing techniques will be taught at rehearsal time.  The choir will perform as scheduled at our weekend liturgies.    


We are always looking for instrumentalists to enhance our choirs and Liturgies.
Do you play...Trumpet, Violin, Flute, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Piano, or any other instrument? Instrumentalists should be High School age or older with the ability to read music and have some sight reading ability.

Rehearsals: Scheduled as needed


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